Sep 302023

Saturday, October 21, 2023, 2:00 pm, Maybelle Burnette Branch

Join Cathy Foster from TechKnowKids to hear the story “How to Trap a Unicorn”, make unicorn traps and unicorn string slime, all while having fun with color mixing science. Registration is required and priority will be given to Warren residents.  Please register each child separately. Ages 6-9 only.

Call 586.353.0579 or sign up online.

Apr 032023

Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 6:00 pm, Warren Civic Center Library

Join us to hear the story Owl + Otter and the Big Yard Sale and make an otter craft. Register children ages 3-9 online or by calling 586.751.0770.

Children are also welcome to stop by the children’s desk anytime during the month of April to pick up a free copy of the book. (While supplies last, child must be present). This program is sponsored by Michigan Credit Unions.

Dec 102022

Saturday, December 17, 10:00-11:00 am, Maybelle Burnette Branch

The entire family is invited to join us for this special storytime featuring Christmas stories, songs, rhymes, and a craft.  Registration is required and priority will be given to Warren residents.  Please register each child separately. 

Call 586.353.0579 or sign up online.