DIA Inside|Out Contest


11/21/22: Thank you to all you participated in the DIA Inside|Out contest. The contest is now closed and winners will be notified soon.

The Detroit Institute of Arts has installed reproductions of classic paintings in 10 locations around the City of Warren.  From now through late November residents of Warren will be able to enjoy a piece of the DIA outside in their own community.

 Click here for a map to all of the locations in Warren.

To celebrate, the Warren Libraries have created a puzzle for patrons to solve. All you have to do is visit each site, read the description of the art, answers the questions on the puzzle sheet, and then unscramble the letters to reveal the secret phrase! When you are done, turn in the completed sheet to any Warren Public Library location and you will be entered in a drawing to win an Amazon gift card.

Puzzle sheets can be downloaded here and are also available at all library locations.

We hope you enjoying exploring the city and taking in some fantastic art along the way!